Tuesday, September 29, 2020

It's Been 5 years, since I lasted posted.

 Five years, it has been 5 years since I last posted.  Life with four kids and a husband keeps me busy.  So much has happened.  My oldest, E, has graduated high school, started his freshman year of college.  A major milestone for a young man on the Autism spectrum.  All his classes are online due to the pandemic.  My next son, N, is now a senior in high school, he too is on the Autism spectrum, he is a mainstream student, with aspirations of being a graphic artist, cartoonist, or a video game developer.  He too is planning on going to college next year.  

I am so proud of these two young men.  E was able to obtain a part time job two years ago.  His manager was willing to take a chance on hiring a 16 year old on the spectrum.  Under her guidance he has obtained life skills, which carry over to home.  He has matured, his confidence has grown, with the responsibilities his manager has given him.  He even obtained his driver's license, something I was not sure he would be able to do.  E has come a long way from the little boy who lost all his speech and fine motor skills at 18 months.  

N, was able to also obtain a part-time job, almost a year ago.  He has been doing fantastic at his job, he too is maturing and developing life skill.  His job is also helping him with his social skills.  N, has not expressed interest in learn to drive, he knows his sensory processing will interfere with his ability to drive.  

My third child, R, began high school this fall.  Her school returned to in person learning, Yay!   Her extra curricular activities keep me busy running back and forth.

Last but not least, my fourth, S, she has started her finally year of elementary school, fifth grade.  Where has the time gone.  Knowing my baby is growing up is hard for me to digest.  Her school also returned to in person learning, Yay!

During the past five years I returned to the working outside of the home, to help make ends meet.  I will tell you there are not a lot of jobs out there for stay at home parents who have been out to the work force for fifteen plus years.  I did manage to find a position, perfect for parents with kids in school, unfortunately due to the pandemic I lost my hours.  I never officially received a layoff notice or furlough notice.  I was the last one hired and managed survive until this past August.  On to the next opportunity, I hope I find it soon.

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