Friday, April 17, 2009

The Today Shows Third installment of Autism: Breaking Barriers

I missed todays installment, I have watched it on the web The Today Show video player. Today's installment "Can kids 'recover' from Autism?" The family profiled claim their son is recovered. They state that after 2 years of intense ABA therapy, their son started to come back. They took him back the developemental pediatrican who original diagnosed him, only to be told he no longer has Autism.

It is a great story, it will give many parents hope. I know that my oldest son made great gains after 1 year and a half of OT, ST, and DT. Don't get me wrong, he still has some quirks and when you see him around other kids, you notice he is odd compared to the rest. He still has his diagnoses of Autism, we have not pursued a re-evaluation (our insurance will not cover it). This was not true for our second son.

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